IG-88's BlasTech DLT-20A blaster rifle was made from a heavily modified resin cast BlasTech A280 used by the Hoth rebel troops. This gun was cast from an German MP 44 machine gun.
German MP44 Machine Gun
The small antenna like protrusion at the front above the barrel was removed from the gun or it was never there due to the fragile nature of such a piece on the castings used. A large ventilated barrel and new tip were added over the original barrel.
The original gun's stock was not cast, instead the body of the gun was extended from the back. On the side of this extension is the a detail piece also seen on Boba Fett's EE-3 blaster rifle (ROTJ version). This detail has not been identified yet. Added onto the very end after the extension is a triangular piece. The circular detail in the center of the triangle is from a Revell Visible V-8 Engine model kit. It's the front half of the vibration damper pulley, part #107.
Part #107 from Revell Visible V-8 Engine
The rest of the modifications below refer to the original master prop made for the Alliance troops on Hoth. These features remained on the casting used for IG-88's rifle.
A scope assembly was mounted onto the MP 44 gunsight (seen at the top middle in the picture above). The back half is cast from an old Single Point red dot scope as seen below. The rest of the parts used are still unidentified.
Single Point Scope
Made in England by Singlepoint (Great Britain) Ltd.
Photo: Richard Jacobsen
Just behind the scope assembly a smaller tube piece was added this part's identity is also unknown. On the side of the blaster, two piston halves from a Revell V8 model engine were painted black and screwed in place with the open ends together. Phillips head screws were used.
Piston Half from Revell Visible V-8 Engine
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